Your Species Needs You!

Climate apocalypse is here 80 years early — and it will make Covid-19 look like nothing. A green recovery is our last chance for survival.

Clare Saxon Ghauri
3 min readJun 26, 2020

This terrifying image is Siberia. Arctic temperatures recorded this weekend were not expected until 2100. Basically, climate collapse has arrived 80 years early, and our leaders are STILL not bothered.

But I believe we have one last chance to slow the apocalypse down: the Covid-19 economic recovery. In every country, the stimulus packages must be green. This means NOT bailing out polluters. Or it’s all over.

For all of us.

It will happen slow, like it is now. Then it will happen fast. It will happen in countries with more black and brown people, like it is now. Then it will happen in countries with a lot of white people, like ours. Because climate change is a race issue. Maybe that is why nothing has been done yet.

YOU have a big part to play. Sorry not sorry about that. Keep doing the right thing. Stop eating animals. Fly less. Drive less. Buy less. Fight less. Keep talking to everyone about climate change. Put pressure on governments, services and companies with your votes, purchases, petitions and protests. Because it’s not all down to us. While our collective rage can shift policy and fossil fuel investment, our leaders are still intent on distracting us by playing us all against each other until the very end.

But you’re just one person. And today is just one day. So most of all, appreciate the time you have with your loved ones, while we can still say everything is “normal”. Corona will look like nothing when actual climate and society collapse hit.

And when you’re ready to use your overwhelming love for family, friends and community – and apply it to every living being on earth – then you must act.

Start actively supporting green jobs and economic recovery by signing this petition (and this one, and this one) if you’re in the U.K. There will be similar campaigns for your country too. It seems pretty small in the face of global collapse, but stuff like this is all we have to try and ensure our survival.

I’ve worked in climate change for over a decade. I read climate science papers for work, and for life. Nearly everything I read lately says something along the lines of “oh dang, we underestimated this”, or “oh wang, this is much sooner, and way f*cking worse, than we predicted.” So I’d be lying if I didn’t share the above with you, and said everything is going to be OK. Because I care about every single one of you.

But I’d also be lying if I said I didn’t have a dying glimmer of “hope”. The green recovery – which is starting to happen – is the only chance we have to slow things down. Slow things enough to adapt all communities in the world, develop regenerative food systems, and advance currently non-existent technology to reverse some of the damage our constantly distracted species has done to our living planet.

So please back anything else you see that supports a green recovery, fossil fuel divestment, climate action or intersectional climate justice of any kind. I’ll update this post and keep sharing the stuff that seems like it will actually do something.

The climate crisis is like a magic eye. Once you see the truth, you can’t unsee it. It’s hard to live with. So I recommend you do what I’m trying to do. It’s important to visualise a better future, so search out positive articles like this and especially this one, and films like 2040. I’m rereading mindset-altering books like Active Hope, Power of Now, and A New Earth. I’m going to start looking after my mental health by using free climate grief therapy sessions through the Climate Psychology Alliance or the Good Grief Network. Check them out if you also feel the world’s ignorance, ambivalence and inaction is driving you straight up crazy. You are definitely not alone.

This is it, everyone. We are one. Let’s act like it. 🖤



Clare Saxon Ghauri
Clare Saxon Ghauri

Written by Clare Saxon Ghauri

aka Cle. Tweeting about climate action (for other people) since 2008. Ex The Climate Group, Greenhouse PR, Climate Week NYC. Digging the r/evolution.

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